Photo by Michael Sale, Notomys alexis

Conference 2025

AMS conference 2025 bannerThe Australian Mammal Society Council and the University of Southern Queensland are pleased to welcome you to the 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Mammal Society located in beautiful Toowoomba – the garden city. Conveniently situated only 1.5 hours from Brisbane, and back-to-back with the ICCB conference held the week before, the AMS Conference is the perfect addition to your Queensland trip.  

This conference will showcase presentations spanning all fields related to the study, management, and conservation of Australia's remarkable mammals.


  • Workshops and Ice-breaker: Sunday 22 June
  • Main Conference: Monday 23 June – Wednesday 25 June
  • Post-conference tours and workshops: Thursday 26 June

In addition to the formal, scientific program and presentations, there will be multiple social events, including a mixer and early registration on the Sunday evening, and the student and ‘old farts’ dinners during the week.


The Australian Mammal Society’s 71st Scientific Meeting will be held in Toowoomba, Queensland.

Conference Registration: 

Registrations are now open. Early bird registration closes May 23rd 2025. We look forward to seeing you all at #AusMammSoc25!

Conference 2025 registration QR code


Click here to register for the 2025 Australian Mammal Society Conference.


Conference Program:



Sunday22nd June

Student and ECR workshop, followed by conference registration and welcome drinks mixer

Monday23rd June

Day 1 of conference followed by Student dinner and Old Buggers’ dinner

Tuesday24th June

Day 2 of the conference followed by the Annual General Meeting, and the conference dinner 

Wednesday25th June

Day 3 of the conference concluding with student awards

Thursday26th June

Post-conference workshop/fieldtrip


Student & ECR Workshop:

More details to come!

Abstract & Presentation Guidelines:

The abstract submission deadline is the 2nd of May 2025.

This deadline will not be extended.

Post-Conference Events

Workshop/fieldtrip: TBA

Abstract Guidelines

Please submit your abstract as a Microsoft Word file to:

In the body of your email, please indicate:

  • If your abstract is for a presentation (full length talk, 10 minutes + 5 minutes for questions and change over), speed talk (4 min talk, 1 min questions), or poster. Please note, this is an in-person only conference, so recorded presentations will not be accepted.
  • Whether you are a student or not and if you do not wish to be considered for awards (Bolliger and Lyne). Otherwise, all students will be considered for awards automatically. Travel awards need to be applied for separately.

To aid in file management please start all file names with the presentation type (presentation, speed talk or poster), the primary author's last name and initials, e.g., for John Doe, use presentation_doej.doc or speedtalk_doej.doc or poster_doej.doc.

Abstracts must be written in Arial and set out according to the following guidelines:

  1. Title (12 point), CAPITAL letters, bold and centred.
  2. Authors (12 point), please indicate the presenter in bold e.g.,Smith1, Jane and Doe2, John.
  3. Addresses (10 point), if more than one address please use Arabic numerals as identifiers e.g., 1School of Agriculture and Environmental Science, University of Southern Queensland, Queensland 4350, Australia. Please include the preferred pronouns in ( ) and email address(es) of the presenter(s) and X (Twitter) or other social media handles if you have them.
  4. Text (12 point), the body of the text should address the following: the context for the research, the research aims, a brief statement of materials and methods, results, and conclusions and significance.
  5. Abstracts are to be a maximum of 200-250 words.
  6. Do not include references.

Presenter guidelines

Please include with your abstract a short bio (no more than one paragraph) of the presenter, including their preferred pronouns, with a small picture, for inclusion in the online presentation handbook.

Acknowledgement of Country, First Nations peoples and Indigenous mammal names: In all presentations and as relevant we encourage authors to:

  • Include after the title slide, a slide/statement acknowledging First Nations peoples and the land(s) (Country) and/or waters where work was conducted.
  • Use Indigenous, other common and scientific names for Australian mammals, and if using the former the Indigenous language group should be acknowledged. Endeavour to use an Indigenous or common name, as relevant, but also the scientific name, to avoid any confusion for listeners.  e.g. rakali (Ngarrindjeri) (Hydromys chrysogaster) or water-rat (Hydromys chrysogaster)

Oral Presentations

All papers must be presented in person. As a general rule, only one spoken paper may be presented by each person. Standard talks will be of 15 minutes duration (10 min talk, 5 min questions and changeover). Speed talks of 5 minutes duration (4 min talk, 1 min questions).

To ensure the conference program can stick to schedule, presentations that go beyond the time limit allowed will be cut short by the session chair.

Audio-visual facilities will include projection for PowerPoint presentations (Windows, Mac and USB possible).


The space allotted for each poster is 120 cm high by 90 cm wide. 



ATS logo 2025 conference sponsorBush Heritage logo 2025 conference sponsorTitley logo 2025 conference sponsorTurner family foundation 2025 conference sponsorUniSQ Logo 2025 conference sponsorWPSQ Logo 2025 conference sponsor