Photo by Jason van Weenen, Pteropus poliocephalus

President's Early Researcher Award

The President’s Early Researcher (Post-Doctoral) Award recognises excellence in research undertaken by a member of the Australian Mammal Society within 5 years of the awarding of their PhD.


  • Only members of the Australian Mammal Society are eligible for the award.
  • The award is made on the basis of significant research conducted during the post-doctoral period (not necessarily within a formal post-doctoral position) up to maximum of 5 years after being awarded a PhD.
  • A further year is allowed (to the opening day of the conference) to make the submission.
  • The awardee will be expected to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting and present a paper.
  • A panel will be appointed by the President of the Society to assess applications.
  • The award is made at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society.
  • Calls for nominations for the award will be made at least 3 months prior to the Annual Scientific Meeting (through Newsletters, the Conference Flyers and on the website) at which the application will be considered.

How to apply

To apply, please complete the President’s Early Researcher Award application form and submit it as well as a summary of the work carried out in the 5 years following the awarding of their PhD. The summary should include a list of relevant papers, reports, conference proceedings, other published documents, awards and so forth. Send the completed application and documentation to the President of the Society.

The closing date for applications coincides with the deadline for conference abstracts.


2024    Robyn Shaw

2023    Linette Umbrello

2022    Brenton von Takach

2019    Aaron Greenville

2017    Thomas Newsome

2013    Jane DeGabriel

2012    Vera Weisbecker

2007    Marrissa Parrott