Photo by Jason van Weenen, Pteropus poliocephalus

Student Travel Awards

The Australian Mammal Society has long recognised the crucial role of Honours, postgraduate and other students in energising its Annual Meetings, as well as in furthering studies in mammalogy more generally. To facilitate student attendance, the Society has a Student Travel Award Scheme to assist eligible students with transport to and from its Annual Meetings.


  • Only student members of the Society are eligible for the award.
  • To be eligible, student members must have registered for the Annual Scientific Meeting and be giving a poster or spoken presentation.
  • Applicants must complete the application form in full.
  • Student Travel Award recipients are eligible for the Bolliger and Lyne Awards (but not both at the same meeting).
  • Student Travel Award recipients are eligible for the John Seebeck Award (if not awarded the Bolliger or Lyne Award).

How to apply

To apply, please complete the Student Travel Award application form and provide documentation as described under Conditions.


Student Travel Awards Recipients 


Annabel Ellis

Rachel Mason

Meagan Powley

Rebecca Quah



Cassandra Arkinstall

Jack Bilby

Tiana Ceissman

Chloe Frick

Shannon Kleeman

Joanna Lyall



Kate Dutton-Regester

Kate Moffatt

Cara Penton

Emily Scicluna

Freya Russell

Vivianna Miritis

Stephane Batista

Pietro Viacava

Simone Langodar

Melissa Taylor



Meg Martin

Diana Prada

Natasha Tay

Linette Umbrello 



Alyce Swinbourne

Amy Edwards

Christopher Jolly

Dalene Adam

Ella Kelly

Elodie Modave

Faye Wedrowicz

Fletcher Minnigram

Hannah Bannister

Heather Crawford

Jessica Dudley

Jessica Dormer

Joanna Lyall

Lily van Eeden

Linette Umbrello

Maquel Brandimarti

Megan Fabian

Melissa Jensen

Patrick Taggart

Rachel Collett

Rowena Hamer

Sebastien Comte

Thomas Mutton

Phoebe Burns

Wendy King

Melissa Jensen



Amy Edwards

Helen Smith

Channing Hughes

Alyson Stobo-Wilson

Dustin Welbourne

Clementine Menz

Melissa Jensen

Trent Forge

Teigan Cremona

Frances Zewe

Jess Rendel

Casey Borthwick

Katie Ballantyne

Catriona Campbell

Elodie Modave

Dalene Adam

Georgina Andersen

Bronwyn Fancourt



Wendy King

Jemma Cripps

Sarah Garnick

Bronwyn Fancourt

Georgina Andersen

Thomas Mutton



Artiom Bondarenco

Shannon Dundas

Bronwyn Fancourt

Petra Hanke

Rachel Harris

Maria Jedensjo

Wendy King

Tyrone Lavery

Chris Malam

Amanda McLean

Thomas Mutton

Robert Reed



Jennifer Anson

Elizabeth Burgess

Jemma Cripps

Melissa Danks

Achim Eberhart

Greta Frankham

Sarah Garnick

Stephen Griffiths

Rachel Harris

Gemma Morrow

Louise Pastro

Hayley Stannard

Andrew Wiewel



Nicole Willers

Vicki Thomson

Hayley Stannard

Justine Smith

Laura Ruykus

Jessica Roberts

Jenny Proctor

Sally Potter

Miguel Perez

Louise Pastro

Jemma Cripps

Xiao Dan Ding

Bronwyn Fancourt



Stephanie Amir

Emma Cash

Achim Eberhart

Erin Flynn

Sarah Garnick

Emily Miller

Gemma Morrow

Melinda Norton

Robert Reed

James Turner

Michelle Wilson

Amy Winnard



Michelle Bassett

Litticia Bryant

Natasha Czarny

Susan Harvey

Nichola Hill

Terry Korodaj

Monica Ruibal



Justin Biling

Jutta Eymann

Graeme Finlayson

Birgita Hansen

Adele Haythornthwaite

Haina Lada

Ellen Mitchell

Marissa Parrott

Susan Campbell

Thalie Patrtidge



Megan Cullen

Abbie MacFarlane

Susan Miller

Maxine Piggott



Ellen Mitchell

Euan Ritchie

Fred Ford

Abigail McFarlane

Damien Paris



Sally Radford

Heather Hesterman

Sarah McKenzie

Lee Webley

Nicole Griffith

Faith Walker

Meghan Cullen



Andrea Solly

Fiona Herron

Lee Webley

Phil Runham