Quolls are in danger...
A recent article has been featured in The Conversation, highlighting the plight of our quolls.
“With sharp teeth and an attitude to match, quolls are some of Australia’s most impressive hunters. Ranging from around 300g to 5kg, these spectacularly spotted marsupials do an out-sized job of controlling invasive pasture grubs and rodents, as well as cleaning up carcasses. They are even credited with thwarting early attempts to establish the rabbit in Australia.
But our quolls are in trouble. The recent Action Plan for Australian Mammals highlighted their extraordinary decline. Collectively, these species once occurred in high numbers across the country. Now they are all considered threatened, although not all state, federal and international listings reflect these current assessments.” Read more in the full article.
ABC TV has also featured the decline of eastern quolls in Tasmania and the need for establishing an insurance population. Read or watch the full news story.
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